Saturday, 28 May 2011

Our British side

The last couple weeks have been awesome and so busy. Awesome because our friends from England were here visiting. Busy in that we spent everyday hanging out with them and showing them what Salt Lake City has to offer. We met the Ellis Family when were living in Bath when Jack did his Masters. It was hard to say goodbye to them. Hannah and I got so close while we were there. I was a first time mom in a new country and she was also a new mom. I love and admire Hannah, their cute family are so dear to us. Here are some (and by 'some' I mean a million) pictures of their time spent with us.

Everett and Ella became best friends. I tried to convince Corrin that they could possibly fall in love when they were older. He was not having any of that becuase Ella is 6 months older. Whatever, Cougar's are the new hot thing.

We first took them to the Dinasour Museum they had a great time. Since Ella has been here Everett has been quick to catch on to her words. for instance instead of "What?" Ella says "Pardon?" oh, so stinkin polite I love it! Also we like "Fig Newtons" but they call them "Fig Rolls" so now Everett calls them that too. Love it.


*Dinasour Museum*

The Museum was a big hit

How about "Sand Angels"? Totally Everett's idea.

Felicity "Flick" and Jane six months apart in age. You could just eat those chubbsey cheeks
Ella drove with us everywhere, these two are a 'Spazzy Pair'

*Thanksgiving Point- Children's Gardens*

Singing for us on the "Lady Bug Stage"
Cute story about Ella and Everett: The clothes Ella is wearing in the above picture we call "Overalls" they call them "Dungaree's". We get to the Gardens and Everett sees Ella and says, "What are you wearing?"
Ella responds in her adorable accent "These are my Dungaree's" (a little embarrassed because apparantly she didn't want to wear them that day, is what I was told by Hannah)
Then Everett says "Thier Cool". Ella stood two feet taller after hearing that. It was the cutest conversation I have ever heard.

I love this girl so much

We spent everyday together in England working out with workout videos/running. We have seen each other at our worse and our best. Hannah is one of those 'do it all' types of people, very inspiring. She studied 'Child Developement' and I love how she parents Ella and how she communicates with kids, it really is a work of art.

Hannah and Flick.
Hannah is gorgeous and just had a baby, oh and ran the marathon a year and half ago. She is amazing.

One of the days we spent making Treasure Boxes. This one is Everett's

We will miss sweet Ella so much. Everett cried when I told him we wouldn't be seeing her for a long time..:( it's hard to explaining that to a 3 yr. old) He did tell us that Ella was his "NeW Sister" and Jane is his "Baby sister".
A memorable trip full of:
Classic Skating, Dinasaur Museum, Church Childrens Museum (awesome)/Gateway, Children's Garden, and eating out as much as we could.

*Our last Night*

We got babysitters so we could celebrate and taste our food. We took them to 'Goodwood' for some true barbeque. It was delicious, we went all out with appetizers and everything (we never get appetizers) we were stuffed.

We were so sad to have to say Goodbye. It was sureal to have Hannah, Corrin, Ella, and Flick in our home. It was 4 years ago when we met and its been 3 years since we saw them last. It's cruel to have your best friend live so far away. Hannah makes me want to better and I only hope that I can be the same kind of friend to others. We love them and will miss them!