Friday, 20 April 2012

Changes....Big time.

Okay, why do I hardly ever blog??.....mmmm.....Well, it's taken me about 5 years of having this blog to figure out that I detest my blog. Don't get me wrong I do like to blog but I have never liked the look/layout/content (except my beautiful children) and oh, most importantly the lack of good pictures do to taking photos with Jack's crap camera on his blackberry. 

Do not fret (I know you are/not upset). My camera is in the mail! My Canon G12 shutter flash point and shoot is in the mail! Yeah. Finally a camera that will capture the instant cute moments of my kids without me trying to take 5 pictures of the same thing. bleh. Along with the new/more awesome photos, there will be more on my style, decor, cooking, and kids kids kids. Stay tuned. Or don't. I am excited!!!

Also, I for once am not trying to make my blog look like anyone else's (identity crisis!!!). It will be fully my personality full of things that I LOVE! I know sounding cheesey right? I should just stop now.....But, it's coming......


OUR Coop said...

I am sooo excited!!! I love your blog ! ;)

OUR Coop said...

I am sooo excited!!! I love your blog ! ;)

Anne Peay said...

yeah, lets see it already! you have many great talents to share.