Sunday, 26 June 2011

Wings...Or a Rocket Ship

Ahhhh, Jack has been home for an entire day, after being in Florida for a week. How hard is it taking care of three kids from dawn until dawn? very. I am very, very tired. It's so nice having a husband again. My list of what I did this week, consists of a millions things that must be done everyday, there is no break until night time when I zone out in front of the TV watching my recorded shows. I know, this list is so not interesting to anyone but me, but we need a boost now and then and I don't think we realize just how amazing we are until we see it in black and white. Here it goes:

Feed three mouths forgetting my own
Gear up and get my work out clothes on
Gym (Heaven, kids are in daycare while I work out)
Lunch in there somewhere usually is a green smoothie or a PPJ
Take Everett to school
Savers thrift trip-found some shirts, an orange bowl, and an ovacado chip 'n dip platter=score
Harry nap time/depends on the day. I look forward to it its the only time he is not whining.
Laundry/ 2 loads
dishes/wipe the table down for the 3rd time.
Water flowers/cuddle Jane/Harry wakes up, usually grumpy
Pick Everett up from school
No shower, still in work-out attire
swimming /usually naked (not me:))
Bed by 7 actually falling asleep @ 9:30

**Side note:
*Harry is deep into his terrible two's. He bites. He bites hard. His victim? Everett. I am at the end of my rope with this kid. A friend reccommended to me to do a "Cold Shower". Before everyone gasps I have tried spray in his mouth, spanking, time-out, and biting him back. My friend told me how she had to do it twice to her daughter. Harry has had 3 in a week. Day 3 now and still no biting. I am telling this story because this kid is so stinking tough and strong willed, lets hope he uses it for good in the future. I hate being a mean mom, and at the end of the day when I am complimented for my kids good behaviour I tell them its because I am a Tough Cookie. I believe in respect for everyone and that is a hard lesson to teach.

That was my slowest day of the week. The other days consisted of hanging at the Park with friends, Pre-school Graduation, and many more errands, and my regular Gym visits which I love and look forward too. Cycling is on Tuesday mornings and I pertty much want to throw up after. When people see me with my hands full of all three they comment with, "Your super busy" and when Jack is out of town I respond with "Yeah, its crazy being a Single PaReNt" because that is what I am for the week.

I am finishing up my latest project of putting curtains in an enitre house for my father-in-laws new rental home, 13 windows to be exact. I am so ready for it to be over. I am not good at this at all! My mom is a Master Seamstress and I am all ThUmBs in this department. Give me a chair to re-aphloster and I will not disappoint but once you throw all the Numbers and InchEs and Widths I am confused and frustrated. My latest and most exciting project I am waiting to embark on sits in my garage. An old record table that I am going to gut and paint...more to come on that soon..hopefully. Firstly, I am throwing my first THRIVE party this wednesday. So much to do so litte time. Funny how life works like that. This post is lame. I am sitting here thinking "I know what I want this post to say but I am too tired to write it". This week is busy and I really do love being busy. We are running around in as much sun as we can before it is swept away again. Loving the SUMMER!!!

We planted a garden this year. Mostly consisting of pumpkins, everyday we run outside to see how much they have grown. Hoping to have pumpkin pie and pumkin soup all through the winter. We also have a tomato plant, basil, Lavendar, and flowers growing.

Today the boys and I were on the front porch reading from Everett's scriptures, when Everett asks me (like he has many times before) about "Heaven" and where it is. I told him its way up in the sky. Everett " How do we get there?" me: "We can only get there when we die" Everett: "Oh, but I can't fly" Me:"We float like magic" Everett: "Well I think I need a Rocket Ship"

I love this life. I am so grateful for these little people. The end. No pictures lame.


-tracy said...

I'm so glad Jack is home. You deserve a break. Sleep in. Or take a nap. Or flip through a magazine. Take a minute for you.
I'm a mean mom too. You are not...I've seen you with your kids. You are patient and tender...I wish I was more like you.
I can't wait to see your record player. So excited!!
Oh, and yah for no biting.

Anne Peay said...

i love the bit about wearing work-out gear all day long. that would be me, if i went in the am, if i were going at all. but, i go at night. can't wait to get back into spinning.

biting is hard, meg has done it a few times. hopefully it won't become a willful defense. not a fun thing to deal with, for sure.

grate work on the curtains. my husband would be so impressed. his mom can sew real well. and he thinks it's crazy that i don't. (or know how)

Angie said...

My lengthy comment didn't post the first time. Here we go again: Not a lame post at all, I love your posts and I think it's because you remind me of someone I want to be like. If we lived closer we would be BFF's (we've been over this) and we'd probably be gym buddies. And the terrible 2's, certainly terrible and i agree with your disciplinary action. It never ceases to amaze me how tough Keith can be with Jackson (and down right mean sometimes) Yet his dad is still his best friend and it's because he respects him. Man those terrible two bad phases are just...draining. With a great mom like you...he'll come out on top. And so will you!

Bobbie said...

I love your post! It makes me so happy to know that other moms out there are just like me. I have a VERY hard time getting out of my workout clothes before night-time and honestly my schedule sounds just about like yours. How I wish I could afford to take my kids to the gym daycare while I workout, that is heaven, but alas, someday... for now I just have to deal with the fact that if I want to workout I'll have to clean up a dozen messes when I'm done :) I know it sucks being a single mom, but hang in there. Hot Sauce in the mouth also worked for my kids with biting, good luck!! Terrible twos are the worst.