Tuesday, 26 July 2011


I told you I was trying to find me. I think as mothers we get lost so easily. The constant running around, cleaning, cooking, laundry, taxi, friend, shoulder to cry on, shoulder to clean a dirty mouth, professional shopper, hair dresser/cutter, book reader, letter writing coach, poop lady, and on and on. Do you get the picture? I have been running around feeling frustrated and mostly annoyed. I am not one of those people that is magically happy and chipper. I'm tired. I got lost, I forgot the main objective and importance to my job. I was missing the biggest part the part you can't fix alone. I knew I needed a change.  I slowed down for a moment on Sunday and only then did that ever so small voice tell me what I needed, to go to the Temple. Monday, I called my babysitter and today I went. Today was amazing. My children's behaviour didn't change, but I was changed. Not once this entire day did I act impatiently. Not once this entire day did a negative thought come through my mind without me immediately dismissing it. I have cried many times today, not because motherhood is hard. I cried because I know that I have been heard. I know that I am being watched over. "Be of good courage and I will strengthen your heart" -Psalms.
I went to the Temple for a couple reasons, this little man being one of them. He is a strong willed and tough. But I am comforted in our little future together.


-tracy said...

hang in there. i'm glad you took some time for you.

SKIPR said...

you're great. i have one of those tough little guys, too:) so funny, love him to pieces, and he could also send me to an asylum at any given moment- so strong!!! :)

anyway, i feel you right now! :)

Angie said...

There are some blogs I kind of skip over or don't read anything because they are boring. There are other blogs that I can't get enough of and can't wait for to have a new post. Yours is one of the latter. I LOVE your perspective, honesty and insight. Just move your little family out to Colorado so we can be best friends please!

OUR Coop said...

You inspire colton reminds me of your harry.I'm at my wits end at times.i pray daily for his future that is so I don't kill him at times.oh how I love my are doing great.thanks for blogging about the real stuff:)

Bobbie said...

I know the feeling. It is a day to day battle for me to remember WHY I am a mom and WHAT is really important. You are amazing!

The Huffs said...

You are amazing Sarah! You are a great mom. i dont know how you do it with Jack gone so much. Love ya!

Anne said...

I so need to get to the temple myself. It's so far! But know excuse. I love it there. Mothering lately has been challenging for me as well. For me it's having Burk home all the day long...he is a great help but him and Meg can fight...I have found splitting them up and/or when Burk goes outside to play with neighbors it's so peaceful. Meg gets time on her own to play and Sawyer...well he sleeps, a lot still. If I just had half the patients of my mother who raised 5 boys and 2 girls. Seriously? She was so patient. It's hard!!

Hang in there! And nice refinish on your furniture piece, love the color!

Parker and Alexis said...

Hey Sarah, just chuckled with the two recent posts and naughty kids... have you read "love and logic"? Also "how to hug a porcupine" by Dr. Lund is awesome. I don't have any kiddos yet, but have seen some amazing results from two mommies I know who use love and logic. perhaps there are some helpful ideas... you have an adorable family!!!